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National Forklift Safety Day

National Forklift Safety Day

This year’s National Forklift Safety Day 2021 (NFSD) will be held virtually on 8th June by the UK Material Handling Association (UKMHA). It will be the first time the new association, which was formed by the merger of BITA (British Industrial Truck Association) and the FLTA (Forklift Truck Association), has led the event.

The campaign for this year’s National Forklift Safety Day focuses on the importance of accredited Thorough Examination and will coincide with the publication of an updated BITA GN28 – the industry approved guideline on Thorough Examination and Safety Inspection of Industrial Lift Trucks in accordance with the provisions of LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations) 1998 and PUWER (Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations) 1998. The purpose of the campaign is to encourage operators and businesses to maintain material handling equipment (MHE) in good working condition.

It is particularly important that any equipment that has been unused during lockdown is safely recommissioned by a suitably qualified competent person. UKMHA recommend all MHE receive a Consolidated Fork Truck Services (CFTS) inspection known as Thorough Examination which should be completed by a CFTS-accredited Competent Person.

You can find out more about this important industry event here


How does ZoneSafe make forklift operation safer?

ZoneSafe technology creates detection zones around vehicles, assets or hazards. The system is fixed to a vehicle such as a forklift while people operating in close proximity are tagged. When the detection zone is breached, an audio/visual alert is activated, alerting everyone of the hazard. A flexible tagless version is also available.

The system takes a simple concept of raising situational awareness to protect people. RIDDOR data for the period of 2016-2019 showed 43% of forklift truck accidents involved impact with a third person with 65% of these involving pedestrians engaged in activities unrelated to the operation of the vehicle. Forklifts are essential to operation but they pose significant threat to the safety of those working with and around them so employing additional safety measures is a must.

The ZoneSafe team work with customers to tailor our market-leading technology to the exacting needs of your business.

Contact us here, phone  +44 (0)1202 868000 or email for more information.

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