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Massey Wilcox, Transport Hauler
Massey Wilcox were on the lookout for a safety system that would help to improve overall safety on site.
Established in 1954, Massey Wilcox Transport Ltd is a haulage company providing pallet distribution across a UK & European wide network. It manages a daily estimated 700 pallets across 25 vehicles and six forklift trucks. As the pallet business expanded with increasing numbers of vehicles, forklifts, and personnel the company became more aware of the requirement to segregate personnel and vehicles and increase safety on site.
Following improvements in site layout, forklift lighting systems and painted walkways, Massey Wilcox was on the lookout for a safety system that would help to complete overall safety on site. Whilst visiting a nearby factory in Bridgewater, Massey Wilcox discovered ZoneSafe and was most impressed with what the system could offer and felt it was the extra layer of safety the company was looking for.
Solution and implementation
Our approach relies on close collaboration, we worked with Massey Wilcox to assess their site requirements and operational needs.
Our collborative approach meant we quickly concluded the need for a system to protect personnel working between vehicles and forklifts in a busy environment where segregation isn’t possible. We supplied systems onto all six forklifts, fitted all staff with tags and installed battery checking and charging ports.
Massey Wilcox has reported good user acceptance across the site “Confidence is building in ZoneSafe and it will eventually become just another part of PPE and the safe way in which we want to operate our business… I believe every time a tag vibrates it’s a potential situation that has been avoided” Robert Wilcox
Watch full Massey Wilcox video case study
You can find out more information about the ZoneSafe vehicle to person alert solution hereunder pedestrian worker safety. Other case studies that discuss similar safety solutions are Gray Forklift Services Case Study, Eurovia Case Study (including video) and the James Jones Case Study. Click here to visit our full case study page.
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