Call us: +44 (0) 1202 868000
Industry Sectors
Proximity warning safety detection solutions for multiple industries
ZoneSafe works across multiple industry sectors
The leading provider of proximity warning and detection systems for plant vehicles, ZoneSafe operates in multiple industry sectors. Our products are designed to ensure the safety of workers within any industrial sector. We offer adaptable solutions that can be customised to meet the unique needs of each industry. With years of experience and a commitment to innovation, we’re dedicated to creating safer working environments for everyone, no matter which sector you work in.
Sectors we currently work in
Paper & Packaging
ZoneSafe worksite safety solutions increase safety in the paper and packaging industry. Mondi improved safety across their worksites in Europe.
Some of the clients we have worked with:
Get in touch
ZoneSafe Head Office
Avonwood Developments Ltd,
Knoll Technology Centre,
Stapehill Road, Wimborne,
Dorset, UK, BH21 7ND
Call Us
+44 (0)1202 868000
Email Us
All ZoneSafe proximity warning safety solutions are manufactured and distributed by Avonwood Developments Ltd.
For more information about our range of proximity warning solutions, click here.
See how ZoneSafe can provide a solution for you Get in touch