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Mondi Install ZoneSafe Across Europe


Why a safety detection solution?

Mondi have experienced previous near misses, including an accident (which thankfully wasn’t serious) involving forklift trucks and pedestrian workers. Because of this, they decided to put a safety detection solution in place before there was a serious accident or fatality.

Mondi installed their first ZoneSafe Vehicle to Person Alert Compact system in 2013. This type of proximity warning system helps to prevent collisions between industrial vehicles and pedestrian workers when they work in close proximity to one another. The safety detection solution is designed to fit any type of vehicle, large or small and the installation was also able to be done in-house.

Since then, ZoneSafe has been to the go-to safety detection solution for Mondi and in December 2019, ZoneSafe was once again chosen to supply Mondi with safety detection systems to create safer places to work. However, this time trials were undertaken to provide new safety detection systems that complimented the Vehicle to Person Alert System including forklift speed restriction zoning and the Vehicle to Vehicle Anti-Collision System.

Mondi also trialled equipment from a competitor but after carrying out a full review, felt that ZoneSafe’s products were better, looking more robust and aesthetically pleasing. They also preferred the structure and design of the ZoneSafe tags that fitted into a safety vest pocket. Mondi also said that the ZoneSafe tags were easily visible to others, as opposed to something too discreet, for example, a wristband type.


What positive effects has the system had?

Since installing ZoneSafe safety detection solutions, Mondi has not experienced any incidents or near-misses. This has of course had a positive effect on all employees and vehicle operators. Mondi has now rolled out many other ZoneSafe systems on other sites across Europe, to help ensure the safety of all their employees.

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