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James Jones & Sons, Scotland, UK


James Jones & Sons, established over 150 years ago, is a family-owned timber processor with sites in various locations across the UK. Operating modern and strategically located sawmills, they manufacture the widest range of sawn timber products, including carcassing, fencing, pallet wood and heavy sections.

Their Timber Systems Division is the UK’s largest producer of I-Joists, and their pallet manufacturing and repair business is the second-largest producer of timber pallets in the UK, with an annual capacity of 14 million units.

With over 10 large sites situated across the UK and North America, their locations are either close to the raw material base or in close proximity to their customers. Their production sites benefit from ongoing investment to keep James Jones & Sons at the forefront of the UK timber industry.

Their joint venture, Stella-Jones Inc. specialises in the manufacture of railway sleepers, utility poles and consumer lumber. They have facilities in five Canadian Provinces and fourteen American States and are complemented by an extensive distribution network across North America.

Why a proximity warning safety solution?

Years ago, one of their HGV drivers had his foot run over by a side loader vehicle. This was not a serious injury, as he was protected by his steel toe cap. This did, however, highlight a problematic area in which drivers and pedestrians work in close proximity. This considerably increases the risk of an accident happening without a safety solution in place.

James Jones & Sons looked at various solutions to protect their employees. They decided to choose ZoneSafe as they were impressed by the demonstration we provided. The proximity warning system ticked all their requirement boxes.

James Jones & Sons installed the ZoneSafe Vehicle to Person Alert system in 2013. This helps to prevent collisions between industrial vehicles and pedestrian workers when they work in close proximity to one another. The system is designed to fit any type of vehicle, large or small. The installation was also able to be done in-house.

What positive effects has the system had?

Since the system was installed, James Jones & Sons have not experienced any accidents involving vehicles and pedestrians. The system has worked very well to inform drivers when pedestrians are in close proximity and when entering the detection zone. All their drivers are well aware of the safety solution and all are very quick to make others aware if anyone tries to enter the yard without a proximity tag. James Jones & Sons have now extended the system to all vehicles on site.

What is ZoneSafe?

Designed and manufactured in the UK by Avonwood Developments Ltd, ZoneSafe is a leading Proximity Warning and Alert System supplied globally.

Safety is one of our core values and since 1999, Avonwood has specialised in identification and protection systems for people and assets.

With over 25 years’ experience and knowledge of developing and delivering innovative electronics and RFID technology, our products are backed by dedicated in-house customer support and production engineering teams.

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